Reflections on a Wider Embrace
I have noticed this shift in my consciousness / awareness particularly since early August but upon reflection I realise that it has been growing through the whole summer, and maybe longer.
I first joined a Wider Embraces session around a year ago and from that very first experience it really worked for me as a meditative and spiritual practice. In the last year I have joined a few longer events (half day sessions) and participated regularly in the daily embraces (a half hour each week day morning) and of course hosting this offering with Matthew for the DAF Community every Sunday for the last few months.
This practice has changed the way I see the world and every situation I encounter. With practice, I have developed a fluency with shifting my perspective and with that, in a way, I have kind of de centralised my Self, and my sense of self and identity has really transformed.
One obvious gift is that I am less affected by my experiences and circumstances and by what happens ‘to’ me, the growing equanimity I am experiencing, somehow my resilience is enhanced and I am able to remain grounded and centred far more easily.
A less obvious benefit this growing capacity for equanimity is an enhanced capacity to be with difficulty and with difficult emotions. I feel a deeper sense of belonging and far more trust, in myself but also, in the greater wisdom at play in all things. I feel less need to control or influence and have a much greater awareness and appreciation for everyone and everything else.
I find myself practicing and invoking the wider embraces every day, inviting insight and alignment and a deeper understanding from this wider perspective.
Find the next Wider Embraces sessions listed on the DAF Events Calendar
Hi Kat, I’m intrigued and will check it out 🙂