Welcome to the new, experimental Deep Adaptation Conscious Learning blog. As a work in progress, we welcome feedback here: contact us.
This site was launched by Wendy Freeman and Dorian Cavé as part of an Action Research project currently taking place in (and around) the Deep Adaptation Forum. We are exploring the following question: “How may online networks enable radical collective change?”
To learn more about this project, please see the following links:
- Participant Information Sheet
- “The Deep Adaptation Forum: An online network enabling radical collective change?“
About the Deep Adaptation Conscious Learning blog
This blog offers a view into what we are learning, how we are changing, and what insights are arising for us, as participants in groups and spaces within the Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF) at large – including DA Facebook groups, the Professions’ Network, the DAF Slack workspace, as well as Deep Adaptation Forum events and gatherings, etc.
These short summaries are intended to surface some of the personal and collective changes that are occurring in the people in DAF, as a networked collective. Our hope is that this blog will help to foster richer social learning inside and outside the network, by encouraging DAF participants to become more self-aware of their own learning journeys – which may facilitate deeper personal transformations.
What sort of content is published here?
For now, we are focusing on three different types of content for this blog:
- Insights are shorter testimonies or reflections, concerning “aha!” moments when your views or understandings took a sudden big shift – or other noteworthy short musings or reflections – that happened for you as you engaged in Deep Adaptation Forum spaces and groups. This can be clear changes in your views, a brainwave you experienced in a particular (spoken or written) conversation, your learning from participation in a group event, a deep connection made during an online Q&A, etc.
- Learning journeys are longer accounts of personal learning through some period of time, and personal observations of inner changes, generally shaped as stories. Each story has a main character (you!), and follows a relatively logical narrative sequence.
- Resources include links to key personal teachers, texts, videos, tools or other sources of insights and inspiration that are part of people’s learning journey in DAF. We hope to eventually compile them into a self-directed “Deep Adaptation 101” course, offering guided access to the most popular resources identified in this way to the wider membership of Deep Adaptation.
How can I contribute?
There are several ways in which you can contribute to this blog. We value hearing about your personal journey into “collapse awareness”, and any insights into your own learning, as contributions to this blog. Feel free to experiment with other media than text – for example sound recordings, poems or visual art or collages!
- You can register an account here, and directly write and publish new blog posts yourself. Please note that for each post, you can choose to publish under your real name, or anonymously (using a pen name), as you prefer. If you don’t know how to do this, please contact us, and we’ll happily support you.
- You can send us your insights and learning journeys by email, and we’ll publish them for you while making sure this happens in whatever way you feel most comfortable with.
- You might be invited to share your insights and learning journeys by us (the researchers), most likely following an interview or conversation we had with you. In this case, too, you can choose to have your text published under your actual name, anonymously, or not at all.
- You can comment on any of the content published here, sharing your thoughts, reflections, insights, and how what you see here may be helping you on your own journey of personal change. This interaction is welcomed and adds value to the blog by enabling dialogue, a key aspect of deep change.
What are the rules of engagement?
As you share your insights and reflections here, please follow the following guidelines:
- Confidentiality. Do not mention anyone by name in your posts, except if you have explicitly checked with them that they are comfortable with you doing so.
- Kindness and respect. Please follow the Deep Adaptation Forum charter in posting any content here. This does not mean that everything you publish has to be positive, feel-good material: difficult experiences can also be sources of rich insights and learning. But please remain kind and respectful.
- Research involvement. By having any content published on this blog, you agree to let the researchers (W. Freeman and D. Cavé) analyse and quote from the material you publish for the purpose of their academic research project, under condition of maximum anonymity. However, if you decide to publish any content under your real name on the blog, please note that you will be forfeiting the possibility of anonymity for that particular content. Please refer to the Research Participation Information Sheet for more details. To have your material removed from the scope of this research, please delete it from this blog (or request its deletion, if you didn’t publish it yourself) by December 31, 2021.