How I am helping to catalyse support efforts in the Ukraine
In this learning journey, Sasha talks about her involvement in connecting people in her various networks as part of a self-organised support efforts for people in the Ukraine.
Finding renewed energy to engage in deeply adaptive action
On how finding a sense of community and hearing from inspiring people can help to navigate difficult collapse-related emotions.
Finding a community of love in action
A journey of discovering the true value of the Deep Adaptation Forum as a community focused on mass kindness.
How to share our reflections on questions that speak to us?
How David convened a new series of live conversations around the 4Rs of Deep Adaptation during the Conscious Learning Festival, which led him to develop new discussion processes, and to start a new YouTube channel.
Learning and practicing the language of anti-racism
As a result of engaging in the work of the Diversity and Decolonising Circle, I have begun to learn the language of anti-racism, and inspired others in my professional network to start on their own learning journeys.
How to transform how I am in the world?
What if the work of decolonising the self was also about getting back in touch with one’s vital compass?
A journey of deep learning in the Diversity & Decolonising Circle
An overview of some of the rich insights that have occurred for me as a result of my ongoing work on anti-racism and decolonisation in DAF.
Navigating a strange new community, without a map
A journey of discovery into the unknown, featuring a temple, strange human beings, and synchronicities.
Going further in the work of decolonizing DAF and cultivating mutual aid
How my journey through DAF made me realise that much more needs to be done to acknowledge white supremacy patterns, learn from people already experiencing collapse, and cultivate mutual aid in a spirit of accountability.
Building trust and modelling different ways of doing things
How I have been introducing and modelling new practices within the DAF community.
Towards a more holistic integration of one’s personal and professional lives: Dana’s story
How Dana was introduced to useful new practices, reached renewed self-awareness, and made new connections in DAF, before encountering a sense of disconnection.
Mapping Out the Five Elements of Collapse Awareness
How joining the DA community has helped me better metabolise my own grief, discover important new practices, and invent the framework of the 5 Elements of collapse-awareness.
Finding space to talk about collapse
How joining the Deep Adaptation Forum has enabled me to find a community in which to have important conversations, and gain renewed confidence about my own collapse-awareness.
How the Deep Adaptation Facebook group is helping me deal with chronic depression
Joining the Deep Adaptation Facebook group is helping me manage my chronic depression. The group has also enabled me to become more open and loving with friends and loved ones.
How I brought Deep Adaptation into my workplace
How becoming deeply involved as a Deep Adaptation Forum volunteer has helped me grow more tolerant and confident – and how I’ve been introducing practices and workshops from the Forum into my workspace.
How I abandoned the field of offshore finance and became a Deep Adaptation volunteer
How I became active as a Deep Adaptation volunteer, and eventually started talking about Deep Adaptation in the context of an adult education course.
How I decided to take action on anti-racism and decolonising
How my journey into the Deep Adaptation Forum has helped me (with some help from the I Ching) awaken more fully to the reality of racism and colonisation, and enabled me to take action on these topics.
How I found my way and a role to play in the Deep Adaptation Forum
How I became a moderator in various Deep Adaptation groups, and started to be involved in making DA spaces safer.