Dark Mountain
URL: https://dark-mountain.net/
Type: Website, books
Dark Mountain is a project dedicated to exploring the deep cultural roots of the ecological, social and cultural unravelling that is now underway. It is “a rooted and branching network of creative activity,” which places a special emphasis on the role of storytelling and art in planting the seeds of a new, “uncivilised” world. From this project, a beautiful series of books was born, bringing together essays, fiction, poetry, visual art and more – as well as a website, and local collaborations with organisers of festivals, gatherings, workshops, etc.
From Dark Mountain publications, I received inspiration to travel further into the dark unknown that lies beyond the world I take for granted currently. So I recommend them to anyone who may want to kindle new creative flames in themselves, and listen to fascinating voices they may never have heard before.
Thanks Dorian, your recommendation inspired me to have another look at Dark Mountain; I’d had a little look about 18 months ago, around the same time I first read Jem’s article, and was just too generally freaked out by everything to be able to take in its radical nature. But looking again now, I could really engage and it’s fascinating and actually inspiring. I love how they consider the essential nature of the artist’s role!
I’m glad you’ve decided to take another look at DM, Vaike! These people are definitely trailblazers, and are still doing amazing work. I’m hoping to find more occasions to weave connections between that community of artists and writers, and the Deep Adaptation Forum. Fundamentally, I see looking into collapse and how to respond to our predicament as an invitation to unleash humanity’s creative potential, in all kinds of ways. It remains to be seen whether we’re up to the challenge!