Conscious Learning Festival – Getting access to another level of thinking and intuition consistently
In this call, presented by DA Facilitator Chiara Borrello, participants were invited to experience “felt-sensing,” an intuitive way of interacting with their innate body-felt knowing that leads to mutual respect, authenticity and compassion.
Self-organisation: What works? D&D circle – Part 2: Conflict Transformation
In this video, members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Diversity & Decolonising Circle discuss what they have learned about conflict, and conflict transformation, in their self-organised group.
How to share our reflections on questions that speak to us?
How David convened a new series of live conversations around the 4Rs of Deep Adaptation during the Conscious Learning Festival, which led him to develop new discussion processes, and to start a new YouTube channel.
Call Recording: Q&A with the Diversity and Decolonising Circle
The DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle reflect on some of their insights and (un)learnings.
Learning and practicing the language of anti-racism
As a result of engaging in the work of the Diversity and Decolonising Circle, I have begun to learn the language of anti-racism, and inspired others in my professional network to start on their own learning journeys.
Self-organisation: What works? Collaborative Action Team
In this recording, the members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Collaborative Action Team check in with each other, and share their reply to the question: “How has being part of this circle contributed to my life?”
How to transform how I am in the world?
What if the work of decolonising the self was also about getting back in touch with one’s vital compass?
Self-organisation: What works? D&D Circle – Part 1
In this video, members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Diversity & Decolonising Circle discuss some of the processes and ways of being together that have helped their group come together, self-organise, and keep going for nearly 2 years. Learn more about the D&D circle here.
Navigating a strange new community, without a map
A journey of discovery into the unknown, featuring a temple, strange human beings, and synchronicities.
Building trust and modelling different ways of doing things
How I have been introducing and modelling new practices within the DAF community.
A conversation with Etienne & Bev Wenger-Trayner
On August 8, 2021, Dorian was able to meet Bev and Etienne Wenger-Trayner in Portugal, for a conversation on social learning. In this view, learning takes place everywhere and all the time – not just in formal settings – and is driven by a person’s curiosity and sense of agency in the world. As a result, it is intimately linked with creating change (in one’s life, and/or in the world at large) and with the process of becoming a certain person.