Seeds of Change: How can we better connect to make a difference?
In this article and presentation, I summarise some key insights from my PhD research in DAF and FairCoop, and outline a theory of radical collective change in social ecosystems.
Self-organisation: What works? D&D circle – Part 2: Conflict Transformation
In this video, members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Diversity & Decolonising Circle discuss what they have learned about conflict, and conflict transformation, in their self-organised group.
How to transform how I am in the world?
What if the work of decolonising the self was also about getting back in touch with one’s vital compass?
A journey of deep learning in the Diversity & Decolonising Circle
An overview of some of the rich insights that have occurred for me as a result of my ongoing work on anti-racism and decolonisation in DAF.
How I decided to take action on anti-racism and decolonising
How my journey into the Deep Adaptation Forum has helped me (with some help from the I Ching) awaken more fully to the reality of racism and colonisation, and enabled me to take action on these topics.