Seeds of Change: How can we better connect to make a difference?
In this article and presentation, I summarise some key insights from my PhD research in DAF and FairCoop, and outline a theory of radical collective change in social ecosystems.
Finding a community of love in action
A journey of discovering the true value of the Deep Adaptation Forum as a community focused on mass kindness.
How to share our reflections on questions that speak to us?
How David convened a new series of live conversations around the 4Rs of Deep Adaptation during the Conscious Learning Festival, which led him to develop new discussion processes, and to start a new YouTube channel.
Self-organisation: What works? Collaborative Action Team
In this recording, the members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Collaborative Action Team check in with each other, and share their reply to the question: “How has being part of this circle contributed to my life?”
Self-organisation: What works? D&D Circle – Part 1
In this video, members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Diversity & Decolonising Circle discuss some of the processes and ways of being together that have helped their group come together, self-organise, and keep going for nearly 2 years. Learn more about the D&D circle here.
Navigating a strange new community, without a map
A journey of discovery into the unknown, featuring a temple, strange human beings, and synchronicities.
Building trust and modelling different ways of doing things
How I have been introducing and modelling new practices within the DAF community.
Call recording: Q&A with Chris Tröndle
In this conversation, we discussed the activities of Camp Collapse, who use storytelling, performance art and immersive art forms to stimulate conversations around our predicament; and we touched on Chris’s MA thesis, titled “The End of the World as We Know it: Hope, Despair and Action among Deep Adapters.”
Call recording: Learning to make a difference
In this webinar, we discussed social learning as a perspective, and how it can be useful to understand the changes happening to people in online communities.
The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, by Starhawk
URL: Type: Book The Empowerment Manual is a comprehensive guide for groups seeking to organize with shared power and bottom-up leadership to foster vision, trust, accountability and responsibility. I have found it extremely helpful to my thinking around better (or more democratic) ways of organising and working together in collaborative groups. Besides, it is
I find Loomio a very useful and well-designed piece of software, which focuses on facilitating decision-making in collaborative and consensus-focused groups. It was built by a small team of Kiwi developers from the Enspiral community, who were keen to encourage ways of organising and communicating they had been exploring during the Occupy movement. It is published under a free software license, and serves a clear social purpose.
Transition Network International
Transition are all about local action in response to global questions and issues. Transition Network is the international hub of a global movement of really local neighbourhood communities reimagining and rebuilding the community structures in their street. Transition is about acting locally on projects that impact me and my neighbours specific to where I am. Their blog, full of ideas, and their resources for group creation and sustaining, are invaluable assets in this time.
Call recording: 4Rs workshop with DA facilitators and volunteers
The recording of the Sept.7 workshop on the 4Rs of Deep Adaptation, hosted by Kim Hare with support from other DAF volunteers.
Call Recording: Q&A with Jane Dwinell
Watch the call recording of the Aug.20 webinar with Jane Dwinell, veteran moderator on the Deep Adaptation Facebook group.