Wendy & Dorian featured on the Greaterthan podcast
We were invited by Alicia Trepat to speak about our research on the Greaterthan podcast! The conversation focused in particular on the work and learning of the Diversity and Decolonising Circle, on conflict transformation, and on unlearning.
Host Vicki Robin on Post Carbon Institute’s series of podcasts “What could possibly go Right?”
While I accept collapse of social structures is part of our present, and probably a large part of our human future, Deep Adaptation wise woman and advocate, Vicki Robins, is able to help focus on what is going well, what we can take from our learning and our grief, that is valuable or instructive or spiritually expansive. She doesn’t shy from the hard questions, but comes from an intrinsically healthy, kind and empathetic viewpoint. All her interviews have been helpful to me.
How do we change our hearts, and minds? Stephanie Lepp’s podcast “Reckonings”
Stephanie Lepp has been investigating what it is that makes people shift their views, and I think she uncovered some great examples others can learn from – either to help us move our own stuck ideas, or to help us converse with loved ones who have a viewpoint that causes them a lot of pain or conflict. While we can only change ourselves, we can sow seeds to help others change, particu