D&D Circle: Our transformation
In this blog post, former members of the DAF Diversity & Decolonising circle share some of the important insights and learnings that have occurred for them as a result of their involvement in these activities.
D&D Circle: Fostering deep mutual learning within a small group
In this call, members of the DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle shared some insights from the past year of their life as a group. In particular, they explored the various initiatives undertaken as part of the group members’ efforts, and some elements of the circle’s life and organising
Finding renewed energy to engage in deeply adaptive action
On how finding a sense of community and hearing from inspiring people can help to navigate difficult collapse-related emotions.
Finding a community of love in action
A journey of discovering the true value of the Deep Adaptation Forum as a community focused on mass kindness.
Call Recording: Q&A with the Diversity and Decolonising Circle
The DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle reflect on some of their insights and (un)learnings.
Learning and practicing the language of anti-racism
As a result of engaging in the work of the Diversity and Decolonising Circle, I have begun to learn the language of anti-racism, and inspired others in my professional network to start on their own learning journeys.
Self-organisation: What works? Collaborative Action Team
In this recording, the members of the Deep Adaptation Forum Collaborative Action Team check in with each other, and share their reply to the question: “How has being part of this circle contributed to my life?”
Building trust and modelling different ways of doing things
How I have been introducing and modelling new practices within the DAF community.
I find Loomio a very useful and well-designed piece of software, which focuses on facilitating decision-making in collaborative and consensus-focused groups. It was built by a small team of Kiwi developers from the Enspiral community, who were keen to encourage ways of organising and communicating they had been exploring during the Occupy movement. It is published under a free software license, and serves a clear social purpose.