Wales Culture Change Manual
We are trying to find our way to respond better to the predicament that humans have brought upon ourselves and everyone else. In particular, the Culture Change Manual has evolved from the first half (10 years) of a behaviour change programme that I lead.
Earth Regenerators
Earth Regenerators is an online learning community for evolutionary culture design, earth regeneration and the avoidance of human extinction.
RetroSuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future
Practical skills; a knowledge asset offered by one of the co-originators of permaculture. In my view, permaculture is not possible without deeply adaptiong, and deeply adapting is not doable without permaculture.
John Seed, an Australian Deep Ecologist
If you haven’t met the work of Deep Ecology, I highly recommend it, and John Seed is one of its co-founders. Deep Ecology is a set of practices that help you experience your ‘ecological self’, and come into deeper union with the earth.
An introduction to Anthroposophy: ‘Human-Wrought Wisdom’
The spiritual path of Anthroposophy (’human-wrought wisdom’), born out of the work of Rudolf Steiner, is what helps me understand why we are at the crossroads that we are at in human existence, and gives the courage and know-how to move forward in love.
Orland Bishop in Conversation with Charles Eisenstein
Orland Bishop is a youth mentor in LA, as well a being an incredible spiritual teacher, coming out of the traditions of African gnosis, shamanism and Anthroposophy; listening to him and following his thoughts can be a spiritual experience in itself, and in this interview he speaks to a spiritual understanding of the current crisis on Earth, leaving you more galvanized to act out of deepening your understanding it in a cosmic sense.
How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for our Times, by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens
URL: Type: Book This is the book which initiated the scholarly field of “collapsologie” in the French-speaking world. It is a very detailed and comprehensive summary of the main trends that are unfolding at the heart of our global predicament, and which herald ever more terrifying disruptions to the “business-as-usual” world dominated by modern
The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, by Starhawk
URL: Type: Book The Empowerment Manual is a comprehensive guide for groups seeking to organize with shared power and bottom-up leadership to foster vision, trust, accountability and responsibility. I have found it extremely helpful to my thinking around better (or more democratic) ways of organising and working together in collaborative groups. Besides, it is
I find Loomio a very useful and well-designed piece of software, which focuses on facilitating decision-making in collaborative and consensus-focused groups. It was built by a small team of Kiwi developers from the Enspiral community, who were keen to encourage ways of organising and communicating they had been exploring during the Occupy movement. It is published under a free software license, and serves a clear social purpose.
Dark Mountain
Dark Mountain is a project dedicated to exploring the deep cultural roots of the ecological, social and cultural unravelling that is now underway. It is “a rooted and branching network of creative activity,” which places a special emphasis on the role of storytelling and art in planting the seeds of a new, “uncivilised” world. From this project, a beautiful series of books was born, bringing together essays, fiction, poetry, visual art and more – as well as a website, and local collaborations with organisers of festivals, gatherings, workshops, etc.
Transition Network International
Transition are all about local action in response to global questions and issues. Transition Network is the international hub of a global movement of really local neighbourhood communities reimagining and rebuilding the community structures in their street. Transition is about acting locally on projects that impact me and my neighbours specific to where I am. Their blog, full of ideas, and their resources for group creation and sustaining, are invaluable assets in this time.
Happen Films – permaculture/practical Deep Adaptation doccies on Youtube
Jordan and Antoinette, talented young filmmakers based in Aotearoa New Zealand, have a series of beautifully filmed, upbeat, positive, solution focussed documentaries about building resilient communities & landscapes in the face of global challenges. I love their accents too 🙂 They have collated a series of Stories from inspirational people, actually creating a more beautiful world right now. Subscribe to their YouTube channel Happen Films.
Host Vicki Robin on Post Carbon Institute’s series of podcasts “What could possibly go Right?”
While I accept collapse of social structures is part of our present, and probably a large part of our human future, Deep Adaptation wise woman and advocate, Vicki Robins, is able to help focus on what is going well, what we can take from our learning and our grief, that is valuable or instructive or spiritually expansive. She doesn’t shy from the hard questions, but comes from an intrinsically healthy, kind and empathetic viewpoint. All her interviews have been helpful to me.
How do we change our hearts, and minds? Stephanie Lepp’s podcast “Reckonings”
Stephanie Lepp has been investigating what it is that makes people shift their views, and I think she uncovered some great examples others can learn from – either to help us move our own stuck ideas, or to help us converse with loved ones who have a viewpoint that causes them a lot of pain or conflict. While we can only change ourselves, we can sow seeds to help others change, particu
Cultural Emergence with Looby McNamara
All Permaculture design training is fantastic background for any person doing Deep Adaptation, and for me the most useful has been inner, cultural, social, local neighbourhood aspects. I believe it is Key to how we design a functional future society. Looby has been leaning into the feminine, home, inner parts of how culture has formed, and how we can create a new richer more kind culture. The course is great, a lot of what you need is in the website, and the book is worth reading too.